La peau inférieure est désormais vernis et arbore sa teinte rouge-brune définitive. Notez que les bandes collées aux angles sont d'une teinte plus foncée.
L'antenne est guidée par un tube fixé sous le plancher comme on peut le voir sur les photos d'époque.La trappe du réservoir d'essence a été peinte et posée. La trappe de l'appareil photo est en cours d'installation.
As you can see on those pictures, the exhaust has been finished. It has been realized by copying an original one. It will soon be treated for high temperatures, giving it its final black color.
The inferior skin is now varnished in its typical brown-red color. Note that the lateral fabric tapes are darker than the varnished plywood.
The antenna wire is guided by a tube fixed under the observer's cockpit floor as you can see on original pictures.
The fuel tank door has been painted and is now fixed on the plywood. The Camera hatch is being installed right now.